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UNICODE problem?

patris: Hi, 1. Thanks for the new Build 2069 2. I have trouble writing correctly the names of pages in Spanish, the normal procedure via dialogue "New Page" does not allow accents and tildes own Spanish language, the accents are replaced by other characters. The curious thing about the situation is that after the normal procedure was performed, to re-name the page, if everything works well (?) I enclose a couple of screenshot to confirm the problem. I would appreciate your comments and / or solution. patris

Ответов - 19

patris: What about the reported problem?

Carc: Disable title auto completion in "New page" dialog.

patris: I followed his instructions, disable the option in the dialog box, but everything being equal, the problem is not solved.

Carc: But, You can type text to other comboboxes?

patris: What are the comboboxes?

Carc: patris пишет: What are the comboboxes? Edit Box + Combined List. See bottom screenshot (You can type text and choose from list)

patris: OK. I will try

Carc: patris пишет: OK. I will try Try please!

patris: The reported problem remains the same! (Unicode problem) The options to enter the name on the page (windows box and comboboxes list) do not accept characters with accents and tildes. *Through the command RENAME I can solve visually in the Tree the problem of accents and tildes, nevertheless upon looking at the summary and the content of the folder, the names of the items/pages appear incorrectly writings. See screenshot:

Carc: But, You can type text to other comboboxes?

patris: Please could you give me an example? (a screenshot) Thanks

Carc: patris пишет: Please could you give me an example? Heh! But other combined comboboxes in Aml Pages is none... OK! Or cancel dialog on node creation or need to tray to other programs

Carc: May be, You write new demo-document (sample.apd from standard distributiv) in English? (I think you will make it much better than I am.)

patris: Sorry, I do not understand your answer! May be, You write new demo-document (sample.apd from standard distributiv) in English? (I think you will make it much better than I am.) Why this comment? With no intention of conflict, he added another reference about the unicode problem, thus demonstrating that it is true, please look at this screenshot: It shows the dialog box to change the font of the Tree (View menu Toolbar/Font) (Tree node/page active), there is only one option Alphabet: Cyrillic

Carc: patris пишет: It shows the dialog box to change the font of the Tree (View menu Toolbar/Font) (Tree node/page active), there is only one option Alphabet: Cyrillic Heh, why? Try to change font for tree from Tools\Options, tab Appearance\Font and Icons...

patris: Okay Carc! You Win! In reviewing the parameters specified in the dialog box to change the Font Tree, found that Alphabet was poorly specified and indicated Cyrillic (I do not know why!), So this option was changed immediately by "Occidental or Western" and everything is already solved. (Uffffff!) Sorry if I put too much pressure and passion on the subject, but nothing happens for nothing. Thanks.

Carc: patris пишет: Okay Carc! You Win! In reviewing the parameters specified in the dialog box to change the Font Tree, found that Alphabet was poorly specified and indicated Cyrillic (I do not know why!), So this option was changed immediately by "Occidental or Western" and everything is already solved. (Uffffff!) Sorry if I put too much pressure and passion on the subject, but nothing happens for nothing. Thanks. 1) OK! Good! I fix this problems (cyrillic charset from tree) in next build. Tree module version has error specific for only russian or ukrainian version. 2) Please, see to new descriptionf of Aml Pages. All right?

patris: OK. The new description is complete and well okay, it might be good to talk too ico.icons options that have the nodes /pages You want to do the translation of the new description into Spanish? If so, please send me via email the file. Greetings

Carc: patris пишет: it might be good to talk too ico.icons options that have the nodes /pages OK! I add the item to description! Thank You! patris пишет: You want to do the translation of the new description into Spanish? If so, please send me via email the file. OK! I send to You txt-file with new description in English.

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