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About the new plugin: Aml Export

patris: Hi, QUESTIONS: 1. Is this plugin is a new Export Wizard pages and folders? 2. Does it work only for Export? 3. Do the folders or pages are exported from the Aml Pages to disk in RTF format? 4. What other possibilities offered by this plugin? 5. What are the differences with the method for Export/Import from: File/Export (File, Folder )... ? I would appreciate your comments Thanks, patris Windows Vista Sp2

Ответов - 3

patris: OK. I did my first test with this option! WOW! is very good! Exported whole database to "My Documents" in RTF format, automatically creating a folder Aml Pages. VERY GOOD! OK., Forget other queries, I have all clear how it works and it does. THANKS patris

Carc: patris пишет: 1. Is this plugin is a new Export Wizard pages and folders? 1. Heh, can named and "wizard". This plug-in is new absolutelly, based on full new code! patris пишет: 2. Does it work only for Export? Yes, for export only. patris пишет: 3. Do the folders or pages are exported from the Aml Pages to disk in RTF format? RTF format is used for formatted text only. TXT for plain text, MHT & HTML for web pages. patris пишет: 4. What other possibilities offered by this plugin? May be, this plugin support XML-export in next versions... patris пишет: 5. What are the differences with the method for Export/Import from: File/Export (File, Folder )... ? File\Export\Folder export folder of Aml Pages as new document. Plug-in export not as document, export into tree nature folder and files.

patris: OK. THANKS!!

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